Smart Irrigation Month: Join the Party!

Smart Irrigation Month 2014It’s time to celebrate! July is Smart Irrigation Month – a public awareness campaign to promote efficient water use. And while we love talking about sensible lawn care, we also believe that every month represents an opportunity for property owners to be smart about their watering habits.

Using water wisely is not only the right thing to do, it has many benefits, including lower utility bills, protected community water supplies, and other environmental benefits like healthier green spaces. So what are some ways you can make a difference during Smart Irrigation Month? Take a look at some of our top tips:

Plant the Right Way

  • Consider your lawn and landscaping conditions (as well as your local climate), and then choose the plants that will thrive in those conditions.

  • Don’t forget to mulch! Using 2 to 4 inches of mulch helps reduce evaporation and moderates soil temperatures. It also improves water penetration and helps control weeds.

  • Save your planting for spring or fall, when temperatures are cooler and watering requirements decrease.

  • Aerate your lawn (and around trees) at least once a year. This helps water travel down to the roots faster.

  • Whenever you plant something, turn and cultivate the soil and add fertilizer or compost to improve moisture retention. Your plants will be healthier and require less water to stay strong.

Install an Irrigation System

  • Although an automated irrigation system might seem like an extravagance, it’s actually one of the best ways to keep your lawn healthy and looking great while minimizing water waste.

  • Choose a system that will allow you to adjust the amount of water applied to different areas. And install extra connections, even if you don’t need them at the time. It’ll be less expensive down the road when you want to expand your landscaping.

  • Invest in “smart” controls that will automatically adjust watering patterns according to soil moisture, rain fall and evaporation.

  • Resist the urge to cut corners and buy the cheapest system possible. By choosing the best components within your budget, you will minimize future maintenance and total lifetime costs of your system.

  • Make sure you check your water pressure before you choose your sprinkler system, as it can dramatically affect performance.

Watch the Watering

  • If you have an irrigation system, customize your watering schedule according to your sprinkler type, sun exposure and soil. The type of soil you have affects how quickly water will be absorbed. Overwatering will result in runoff and waste.

  • Don’t water too much. You need to saturate root zones and then let the soil dry. Too much water can lead to disease and fungus, weed growth and shallow roots.

  • Don’t water during the heat of the day, as you can lose up to 30 percent to evaporation. Water when the sun is down or low, and when winds are calm and temperatures are cool.

  • Water more often for shorter periods. For instance, instead of watering for a solid 30 minutes, set your system (or your watch) and water at 10-minute intervals. This will allow your soil to absorb more in between watering periods, and reduce waste and runoff.

Contact Us

There are lots of things you can do to be smart about your watering habits. If you would like to know more about Smart Irrigation Month (and improve your lawn and landscaping at the same time), please give us a call at (317) 259-9222. We’d love to help!

Family Garden Ideas for Summer Fun

Kids gardening ideasIt’s almost summer. Which means that many of you are wistfully gazing out the window each morning, sipping your coffee and pondering important life questions like, “How in the world am I going to keep my kids out of trouble this summer?”
We’ve got your answer, and it’s called a garden! But planting one isn’t as simple as just throwing a bunch of seeds on the ground (which is why it’s the perfect family activity). It takes a little planning, some old-fashioned TLC, and a good dose of elbow grease.
For many of us, the acts of planting, watering and nurturing seedlings are a part of our precious childhood memories. We remember anxiously waiting for that first glimpse of life to peek out from under the dark, rich soil. We cherish the days spent with parents, siblings or neighbors, just watching our gardens grow.
Here are some ways you can carry on that tradition by creating your own family garden (and keeping your kids busy at the same time), with five family gardens to make your summer fun:

Snackable Garden

Even if your kids resist eating their vegetables, it’s a whole different ballgame when they can pick them fresh from the garden. Besides, everyone knows that homegrown produce tastes better! Some of the easiest vegetables to grow are carrots, tomatoes, radishes, potatoes and peas.
And speaking of peas, add a playful touch to your garden by constructing a bean pole teepee. Start with six to eight bamboo poles or thin wooden rods. They should be tall enough to accommodate the height of your child. Tie the ends of the pole together, then spread out the other ends in a circular teepee formation. Push the ends securely in the soil, and then plant garden peas or any other type of climbing vines around the base. As they grow and climb the poles, your kids will have a natural fort in which to play.

Butterfly Garden

Who doesn’t love saying hello to butterflies on a summer day? If you want to attract these little beauties, start by choosing a sunny, open area (they need space to fly). Be sure to refrain from using any pesticides, as they will rid your garden of butterflies, natural predators and other beneficial insects. In addition, consider the following:

  • Wind-protected areas work best. Trellises, short brick walls, fencing or dense shrubs can serve as wind barriers.
  • Clusters of plants (large groupings of shapes and colors) are easier for butterflies to find, as they have poor eyesight from a distance.
  • Since male butterflies naturally gather around watering holes, add a bowl of wet sand or create mud puddles nearby.
  • Butterflies love rotting fruit and tree sap. You can make your own concoction with a mixture of mashed rotten bananas, molasses, sugar, stale beer, fruit juices and water. It might sound nasty to us humans, but spread it over garden rocks and watch what happens!

Fruit Garden

Fruit gardens take patience and time, but the pay-off is worth it. Some fruits take more than one season to produce, so make sure you do your research before choosing your plants.
Strawberries are probably the most common in family gardens, mainly because they’re so versatile. You can plant them in containers, hanging baskets, window boxes and of course, flower beds. They do well in most soil types, but will do best in well-drained sandy loam or loam soils.
Blueberries are popular too, but require a bit more attention to soil. The good news is they have few pest problems, and are consistently productive.
If you’re really feeling daring, give tropical fruit a try! Even though the Midwest zone is not ideal, it’s possible to grow things like rose apples, dwarf common figs, star fruit or persimmon.

Water Garden

Most kids love water, so it only makes sense that they’ll love getting their hands wet with a water garden. The good news is that they don’t have to be big, expensive ponds or fancy waterfalls. In fact, you can create delightful water gardens in small containers (ideally 24”W x 18”D), made of plastic or clay … even wood, as long as you make them water tight with durable plastic liners or layers of sealant.
Cluster different container sizes and types together around your patio, or use them to accentuate decks, fences or seating areas. Choose plants that contrast in size and color for dramatic displays, including tall, spiky varieties and softer, marginal plants.
With water gardens, less is better. Too many plants crammed in one small space will cover up the water and defeat its purpose! And if you’re worried about mosquitoes, you can wash out the larvae by overfilling the container, or even add a few mosquito fish.

Vertical Garden

If you don’t have suitable garden space, or if you just want to liven up an empty wall or fence, then vertical gardens might be just the answer for you. This doesn’t mean that you’re just going to plant climbing vines, it means that you’re actually going to create a vertical space in which to grow plants.
Some of the best plants that work well with vertical gardens are vegetables (like the pole beans we already talked about), fruits like grapes or strawberries, and flowering plants like creeping phlox or morning glories.
If you’re working with a fence or existing vertical structure, a few small touches can create the perfect environment for your plants, like:

  • Adding string to eaves
  • Attaching eye-hooks to porches
  • Securing sections of chained link fence

If you don’t have an existing vertical structure, you can get started with a makeshift trellis (depending on how handy you are), or purchase vertical growing kits, grow bags or hanging planters.

Ready, set, go!

If you’re ready to get busy with a fun family garden, we’re here to help! Just contact us with questions or concerns. Don’t forget to take pictures and post them here … we’d love to see what you come up with!

Landscaping Solutions for 5 Common Challenges

Even though we wondered if it’d ever happen, Spring is finally – finally – here! Birds are chirping, flowers are actually blooming, and it’s the perfect time to get our green thumbs wrapped around some gardening tools, right?
It’s also time to face those common landscaping challenges that most homeowners deal with. You know … like camouflaging a bare, boring fence line or dealing with an unsightly utility box. Or maybe it’s figuring out what to do on the side of the house that gets too much sun … or the far back corner of your lot that doesn’t get enough.

Don’t worry, fearless landscaping enthusiasts – we’re here to help! Check out some of our solutions for five common landscaping challenges:

Fencing. Oh sure, fences are great to help keep pets safe or define your property, but how can you spice them up or disguise them from looking so, well … fence-like?
When planning your landscaping design in front of a fence (or any other angular, man-made structures), remember that Mother Nature doesn’t do straight lines. She does natural, gentle curves. So create your flower and plant beds accordingly. This will bring an organic feel to your manufactured elements.
First, capitalize on the vertical space a fence creates by planting taller shrubs right in front of the structure. This will help it blend in and seem more natural. Next, layer medium-sized plants to create a smooth transition for the eye. Finally, plant smaller perennial plants or decorative grasses to go in the very front.

Eyesores. Who hasn’t stared at an air-conditioning unit, propane tank or electrical box and thought, “Maybe I’ll just plant huge shrubs around the whole thing to cover it up?” Resist, resist, resist! Because the more you try to hide it, the more obvious it will be.
Instead, consider planting clusters of decorative plants with various textures in front of the box or unit, but then trailing them off to the side. Just beyond your clusters (and further away from your box or unit), add a powerful punch with a colorful, bold plant. This will create a dramatic focal point, pulling attention away from the eyesore.
If you like the idea of using fence panels as decorative screens, keep in mind that air-conditioners need additional open space around them for proper circulation as well as future maintenance. Keeping that in mind, panels can be used in creative ways that add style and color while serving as effective cover-ups. Hint: it helps to repeat the same panel elements in other parts of your yard to carry out the design theme thoroughly.
And remember: before you dig around any type of utility box, call your area utility locating service so they can come out and mark buried lines.

Shady Areas. Not all shade is created equal. That’s why you’ll need to first determine the exact level of shade in your project spot. Does your space get a few hours of sunlight each day (light shade), just a little direct sunlight (medium shade), or no direct sun at all (deep shade)? Use this information to choose the most compatible plants.
You’ll also need to evaluate what is causing the shade. In other words, is there anything you can do about it? If the shade is primarily due to mature trees, then you might be able to prune back branches in order to increase your sunlight. If pruning isn’t a possibility, then you’ll have to carefully choose species that thrive in little light.
On the other hand, if you are dealing with dense woodlands or obstructive buildings and your space is always in deep shade, then you’ll need to consider other options. You can: leave the area unplanted altogether; spread mulches or rocks instead of plants; or simply showcase decorative potted plants that can be easily rotated into the sun as needed.
Shaded areas are also great places to add hardscape elements like stone walkways or patios, sitting areas, pavers or fencing.

Full Sun. Just as you should assess the level of shade in certain areas, you’ll want to track how much sunlight other areas get, as well as the time of day it gets it. Midday sun exposure is more intense than morning or late afternoon sun, and will be less forgiving on your plants. By definition, your space is in full sun if it’s getting six or more hours of sunlight every day.
For quick solutions, consider adding shade sails, which are triangular shaped pieces of UV resistant cloth, available in a variety of sizes and colors. Retractable awnings and pergolas (prefabricated or custom) are other options that can not only provide relief from the sun, but can serve as attractive design elements, making your outdoor living space more enjoyable.
In terms of plants, sunny areas often contain dry soil. Before you plant, increase the chances of plant survival by enriching the soil with a peat moss and fertilizer combination. Next, select low-maintenance, drought-tolerant plants for your full sun areas that have adapted to such conditions.

Decks or Patios. One of the easiest (and quickest) ways to transform your outdoor living space is through container gardening on your deck or patio. First, pack various sized containers with showy, easy-care annuals and cluster them in groups to add dimension and interest. Consider choosing a color theme too, which can help compliment the style of your deck, house or outdoor furniture.
If low-maintenance is your thing, select plants that require less watering and care. Succulents, for example, not only fit that bill, but they tend to be less problematic when it comes to pests or disease. Available in a wide variety of shapes, textures and colors, they can provide unexpected color and charm.
Containers filled with taller trees, bushes or grasses are also great solutions for patio or deck corners and edges, as they add definition and even privacy while creating a feeling of seclusion and intimacy. Just be sure to place heavier containers in areas that can bear the weight. Hint: containers with rollers will make moving heavier plants much easier on the back!

Spring is an exciting time to be outdoors! But when it comes to lawn and garden projects, it can also be overwhelming. If you have any questions about your own landscaping challenges, please contact us! We’d love to help.

Oh, polar vortex! What have you done to my plants?

Before January 2014, most of us had never even heard of a polar vortex, let alone actually experienced one. Was it a monster? A new rock band … or maybe a villain in a creepy sci-fi movie?

Today those two little words are a part of our everyday vocabulary, and after having survived record-shattering snow falls and cold temperatures, iteffects of hard winter on plants’s safe to say we’re all looking forward to spring.

But what about our poor plants? Did the evil polar vortex kill them, or make them stronger? The short answer is this: we just don’t know yet.

There are lots of different factors that contribute to plant injury. First of all, it depends on the species and hardiness of the plant and how healthy they were in the first place. Secondly, it depends on how low the temperatures plunged and how long they stayed there, among other things.

Here is the good news: most plants were well into their dormant period before the polar vortex hit. And the protective covering of snow (even though we were sick of it) served as a natural insulation.

However, some trees and shrubs that have risen in popularity over the last 20 years may not prove to be cold hardy. This includes such trees like: Zelkova, Tulip, London Plane, Redbud and Dogwood. This spring, the most likely thing you’ll notice is some dieback of twigs, and winter burn of your evergreens (like Hemlock or Norway spruce) – especially if they are planted in open and unprotected areas. This is due to the extreme low temperatures we experienced, which were often accompanied by brutal, high winds. Unfortunately, the most susceptible of plants are the broad-leaf evergreens.

Winter dessication injury is another concern after such an extreme season. This happens when the amount of water lost by the foliage exceeds the amount picked up by the roots. On sunny days – particularly when it’s windy and soil water is frozen – the plant is unable to absorb moisture. Once we experience warmer temperatures, any of these related injuries will appear as brown leaf margins or needle tips.

As for your flowering plants, you can bet they were more sensitive to the cold. You might see significant bud loss, or even a season without blooms.

Overall, species that are classified as only marginally hardy will likely experience die back (or even death), but you might not notice until temperatures are consistently warmer. So we suggest that you hold off on any major pruning until you can assess the damage thoroughly.

snow crushed bushesAnother big area of landscaping concern is snow and salt damage. With some mounds of plowed or drifted snow reaching 8 feet (or higher), your trees and shrubs located near roads or drives were probably buried. If you suspect any of your landscaping is suffering from salt damage, you’ll want to lightly spray off foliage to wash the salt away as soon as the snow cover melts. In addition, water the soil to a depth of 6 in., in order to help flush salt from the roots of the plant.

The bottom line is this: the healthier your plants were last fall, the better their chances are for polar vortex survival. If you need help with assessing plant damage, as well as landscape repair or replacement, contact us. We’re here to help.

Spring: it’s a tree for all!

Plant Tree IndianapolisSpring is finally here, and you know what that means: it’s time to get outside and dig in! Flowers, mulch, gardens, landscapes … and don’t forget the trees.

Thanks to National Arbor Day (the last Friday of April), it’s officially tree-planting season – the perfect time to update or enhance your landscape. But the beauty of trees goes deeper than the bark. Planting trees can:

  • Conserve energy costs in the summer and save you money
  • Increase the value of your home (up to 15% or more)
  • Regulate the temperature of your neighborhood
  • Conserve energy in the winter, cutting heating costs up to 20%
  • Help fight global warming
  • Help clean our rivers and streams
  • Make your home and your neighborhood more beautiful

But where do you start? First, check out ecoSmart Landscapes, a new online tool that helps residential property owners estimate the tangible benefits of trees. ( ) You’ll be able to identify what’s already on your property, select where to place new trees, and even calculate present and future carbon and energy impacts of both.

Next, give All Seasons a call! We are the Indianapolis tree planting experts and we can help design a beautiful landscape that incorporates new and existing trees, while creating a unique outdoor space perfect for your individual needs and budget. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the shade.